In this on-demand webinar you will learn how to gain the critical insight needed to detect advanced, targeted cyber attacks and other evasive attacks that are notably more difficult for organizations to find and prevent, such as:

  • Advanced attacks that evade next-gen firewalls, security gateways, and antivirus solutions, oftentimes hiding and impacting organizations for months 
  • Polymorphic malware and malware-free attacks that make signature-based defenses ineffective against targeted attacks
  • False positive noise: over 80% of alerts generated by signature- and policy-based security solutions are unreliable and take resources away from the most critical alerts

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MIchael Rezek
VP Business Development and Cybersecurity Strategy

Michael leverages sales, strategy, and engineering experience to direct business case development involving multidisciplinary teams to translate technology and innovation into commercial enterprise value including M&A. His expertise includes Layer 2-7 network technologies; cybersecurity; and performance management. Michael holds a Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Youngstown State University, and a Master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a former professionally-licensed engineer in multiple states, and is a published author of the Cisco Press book, "Building Multiservice Transport Networks."